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Paolo Cappelletti
EURESIS president
Paolo Cappelletti received the Laurea degree in Physics from the University of Milan, Italy, in 1978.
From 1979 to 2008 he was with the Central R&D Department of STMicroelectronics, in the R&D Center of Agrate Brianza, Italy, covering roles of increasing technical and managerial responsibility up to the position of Group VP responsible for Non Volatile Memory Technology Development.
In 2008, when Intel and STMicroelectronics merged their memory operations creating Numonyx, Cappelletti joined the new company as R&D VP in charge of Technology Development. In 2010 Micron Technology acquired Numonyx and Cappelletti is presently with Micron Process R&D as VP responsible for Agrate Technology Development.
Cappelletti has authored over 40 technical papers, has been invited speaker at international conferences and his holding over 40 patents in the field of Integrated Circuits and Non Volatile Memories. He has been Contract Professor at Milan, Bologna and Padua Universities and he has co-authored the book “Flash memories”, edited by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1999.

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Carlo Sozzi
EURESIS Vice-president
Ricercatore del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, si occupa di fisica della fusione termonucleare controllata.
Dopo gli studi nelle Università di Milano e Firenze ha lavorato presso il Politecnico di Milano ed in seguito presso l’Istituto di Fisica del Plasma. Attualmente è responsabile di un progetto internazionale presso il Joint European Torus (UK) per lo sviluppo di un sistema di misura delle onde elettromagnetiche emesse del plasma termonucleare.

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Marco Bersanelli
Science Director of EURESIS
Full professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics and director of the PhD School in Physics at University of Milano, Italy. His main field of research is cosmology, and in particular measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the first light of the universe. He worked at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, and participated in two scientific expeditions to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. He is one of the leading scientists of the ESA Planck satellite dedicated to precision measurements of the CMB and to millimetre astrophysics. He is Instrument Scientist and Deputy-PI of Planck-LFI, one of the two instruments onboard Planck. Since 2011 he is advisor in the Italian Delegation at the SPC at ESA.

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Giorgio Ambrosio
Dr. Giorgio Ambrosio is Applied Scientist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois (USA).  His scientific interests span from developing superconducting materials to large scale applications of superconductors in particle accelerator and detector magnets.   Since 2007 he is leading the Nb3Sn Long Quadrupole R&D within the US LARP (LHC Accelerator Research Program) collaboration, aiming at demonstrating Nb3Sn technology for upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.  Since 2009 he is leading the design of the Transport Solenoid for the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab.  He is member of the US National Conductor Development Group, and is the chairman of the Advisory Board of the EuCARD High Field Magnet project.

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Tommaso Bellini
Tommaso G. Bellini, full professor in Applied Physics at the university of Milano. He teaches basic physics and physical technologies to students in the biotechnology curriculum. T. B. is the coordinator of the Complex Fluids and Molecular Biophysics Group at the University of Milano. The group does both fundamental experimental research in the field of complex molecular fluids, and research aimed to the development of new technological solutions. Experiments are about liquid crystals, nanoparticles, protein folding, structures composed by DNA filaments, polymers. TB is the president of Proxentia, a spinoff company of the University that develops biosensors based on a new optical technology.

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Massimo Bionaz
He graduated in Animal Science and got the Italian doctorate (equivalent to the PhD) in physiopathology in dairy cows at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Piacenza (Italy).  He moved at the Pennsylvania State University for one year post-doctorate and then at the University of Illinois for two additional post-doctorates in functional genomics and in mesenchymal stem cells for bone regeneration. He also teaches courses in stem cell biology at the University of Illinois and lectured in several other courses and universities.
He is authors and co-authors of several scientific articles, book chapters, scientific review articles, and conferences abstracts.

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Carlo Camnasio
Carlo Camnasio, born in Mariano Comense (CO), 59, graduated in Physics at the University of Milan in 1977, grew up within Philips, where he gained over 30 years of experience within the Medical Systems Division, today Philips Healthcare.
After having held positions of increasing responsibility in the areas of commercial sector,  he has been appointed General Manager Healthcare, a Company committed to development and implementation of technological systems in the medical field such as: Radiology, Cardiology Oncology.
In May 2009 the Board of Management has appointed Carlo Camnasio: President and CEO Philips Italy and Area Manager for Italy, Israel and Greece by adding these new tasks to existing responsibilities.
Carlo Camnasio is the author of several articles and presentations in national and international conferences on the application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging system, Computed Axial Tomography and other activities of the Health Technology Assessment.

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Mario Gargantini
Mario Gargantini, Electronic Engineer and Physics Teacher in high school for twenty years, is a scientific journalist, collaborating with several newspapers, magazines and websites; he is the director of the journal Emmeciquadro.
He has authored books and essays on science and religion, history of science and education; among these he published (with Marco Bersanelli) From Galileo to Gell-Mann, Templeton Press 2009; he has also been curator of a dozen of scientific exhibitions.
He is member of the Italian Scientific Journalists Association (Ugis).
In 1987 he won the Glaxo Award and in 1990 he won the Federchimica Award, both for science communication.

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Davide Prosperi
Degree and PhD in Chemistry at University of Milan. From 2003 to 2008, he has been Research Scientist at the Institute of Molecular Science and Technology (CNR Milan); from 2008, he is Researcher at the Department of Biotechnology and Bioscience of the University of Milano-Bicocca, where he leads the NanoBioLab, an advanced laboratory for the biomedical application of nanotechnology (nanobiotechnology). In the past, he worked on the development of novel antibacterial and antitumoral glycoconjugate vaccines.

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Elio Sindoni
Full Professor of General Physics at the Milano-Bicocca University.
Graduated in Physics in 1961 at the University of Milano. Graduated in Atomic and Nuclear Physics in 1966. Associate Researcher at the Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory (USA) from 1969 to 1971 and then for many years he kept on the collaboration with this University. From 1991 he is professor of General Physics at the Department of Environmental Science of Milano-Bicocca University and from 2005 to 2010 he has been  Director of this Department. His research interests concerned the Thermonuclear Fusion, the industrial applications of Plasma Physics, the room and environmental acoustics.  He is author of both scientific papers and papers on Popular Science. As President of the ‘Piero Caldirola International Centre for the Promotion of Science’ he has organized both in Italy and in foreign countries over 80 Workshops and International Conferences on Plasma Physics, Technology, Astrophysics, Cosmology and on relationships between Science, Philosophy and Theology. He is editor of the relevant series of Proceedings.. In 2005 he was awarded a prize of the Italian Physical Society for contributions to History of Physics.  He is now fellow of this Society. In 2007 he was appointed as President of the CEUR Foundation (European Center of University and Research). CEUR is a Foundation  devoted to Colleges for University’s students. He is member of the Administration Council of the ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ Science Museum in Milano.