
Volume 7 - The Nature of Time in Science and in Human Experience

Summer 2014

We could hardly have chosen a more challenging theme for last year’s San Marino Symposium than the subject of time. After following three days of discussions among renowned scientists and scholars, and having gone through one year of preparation of these proceedings, we remain perplexed by a feeling that despite some progress, we are still far from achieving a profound understanding about the nature of time. Read More

The whole volume or separate articles are available


Hans Meinhardt, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
Models of biological pattern formation in space and time


Paul Davies, Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, Arizona State University
The arrow of time


Gal Zauberman, The Wharton School, Marketing Department, University of Pennsylvania
B. Kyu Kim,
USC Marshall School of Business Los Angeles
Another dimension of psychological time: judgments of anticipated future duration


Jonah Lynch, Priestly Fraternity of Saint Charles Borromeo, Rome
 The still point of the turning world: progress, nature and freedom


Roberto Andreoni, Conservatorio di Musica N. Piccinni, Bari
Music: a friendship between humans and time

Wolfang Pauli and Niels Bohr, demonstrating 'tippe top' toy at the inauguration 
of the new Institute of Physics at Lund, Sweden.
Photograph by Erik Gustafson, courtesy AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives, Margrethe
Bohr Collection