
2014 - The roots of motivation in science and knowledge

University of San Marino, Ancient Monastery of Santa Chiara
August 27-29, 2014

Focal Issues
Part of the motivation in tackling a specific research subject rests in the anticipation of how “relevant” a result in that particular field could be. What are the “big questions” in different fields? Why are these questions “big”? What lies at the heart of interest for the specific topic of research? Can it be expressed?What is the cultural impact of the “big questions” addressed by science on our perception of life, of nature, of humanity? The popularization of science often portraits nature as a gigantic mechanism that leaves little room for real novelty, to the point that it is often perceived as suffocating. Is it true? Is this trend as an intrinsic and unavoidable consequence of the advance of research?
Has there been a change over time as to what is considered most relevant in your field of research? Is the trend toward increasing specialization -possibly an inevitable consequence of the fast growth of knowledge- leading to the loss of a comprehensive understanding of nature?

Sessions outline
Following the successful scheme adopted in the previous editions of the San Marino Symposium, the above topic will be addressed in three sessions, each involving three outstanding thinkers from both science and humanities.

The proceedings have been published on Euresis Journal.

1st session

2nd session

3rd session

Guest participants
The Symposium is open to a limited number of “guest participants” (PhD students, Postdocs, and Scholars) invited to attend the seminar sessions and to participate in the discussion sessions. Application informations can be found in sm2014-announcement.

Marco Aluigi
, Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples
Tommaso Bellini
, Department of medical biotechnology and translational medicine, University of Milano
Marco Bersanelli
, Physics Department, University of Milano
Giorgio Dieci,
 Department of Life Sciences, University of Parma
Andrea Moro, Department of General Linguistics, IUSS Pavia
Elio Sindoni
, CEUR Foundation
Carlo Sozzi,
 Milano Plasma Physics Institute, National Research Council of Italy (CNR)

Benedetta Cappellini,
Euresis Association
Tonino Ceccoli,
Euresis Association
Matteo Turchi
, Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples

A few photos of the symposium are available.
A short report of the discussed topics can be found on online magazine.

Wolfang Pauli and Niels Bohr, demonstrating 'tippe top' toy at the inauguration 
of the new Institute of Physics at Lund, Sweden.
Photograph by Erik Gustafson, courtesy AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives, Margrethe
Bohr Collection